Join Claire to chat with Amber Auger, the host of #AskAmberRDH! As we all know, the burnout in dental hygiene is REAL and has gotten worse during Covid-19! Amber will share some great tips with us on how to avoid burnout and remember that we are not just “teeth cleaners”! By creating boundaries and getting the team to appreciate the RDH’s role in the office, we can use our time effectively to create successful outcomes for our patients and ourselves!
It’s A Tale of Two Hygienists’ monthly student roundtable episode, which means Andrew and Michelle have invited a roster of guests to educate student listeners on a chosen topic. This month, in response to an email question from a long time listener, Michelle and Andrew speak with a trio of hygienists about valuable associations, groups, and resources for hygienists, particularly recent graduates, to access.
In this episode, Emma is joined by Amber Auger @amberaugerrdh a Boston based dental hygienist who is an international speaker and writer with over 15 years of experience in the dental industry. Amber not only works clinically but coaches and empowers dental hygienists to thrive in the op. We discuss the importance of excellent communication to excel in dentistry, how to deal with burnout, the non conventional dentistry paths you can explore in 2022 and how to create a work-life balance that you love.
Amber Auger is one of the Most PASSIONATE Dental Hygienists Bev has ever met! She resold Bev the dental hygiene dream as she told her story about going from a struggling student to Influential Public speaker! Amber’s success is evident because of her incredible energy and hunger that attracts the right people and opportunities her way. She created her dream job and dream life, and she helps Dental Hygienists across the globe to “THRIVE IN THE OP” as well.
Michelle continues to indulge her love for and fascination with all things perio by interviewing a fellow hygienist who’s trained on advanced periodontal tools that Michelle only wishes she could get her hands on.
Amber Auger, RDH, is a speaker, professional coach and clinical trainer based in the Greater Boston Area. Apart from her comprehensive periodontal knowledge, Amber also has extensive experience using and training professionals on laser tools for the purposes of periodontal treatment.
In this episode, Amber discusses the advantages of nuances of using lasers, explains where we can really make a significant change for both patients and professionals, and reveals why she’s excited for the next ten years.
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by Amber Auger. In this TIPisode Amber talks to us about MI Paste One, Amber shares with us the key points she loves about this toothpaste!
Dental podcast: Welcome to DentalTalk. I’m Dr. Phil Klein. Today we’ll be discussing how to tackle Periodontal disease before it gets out of hand. We’ll be discussing how to accelerate periodontal case acceptance, improve patient outcomes, and increase our overall confidence in treating periodontal disease. Our guest is Amber Auger, a practicing dental hygienist, consultant and international speaker.
Welcome back to another Episode Peeps! We are so pumped for this episode with our dental bestie Amber Auger! Huge shout out to our peeps and dear friends @Hu_Friedy for sponsoring this amazing episode with the one and only millennial mentor @AmberAugerRDH AND for providing the episode giveaway that you’ll have to listen to hear about! What’s up in this episode you ask: WELL…Irene rants about her experience in Chicago at the Hu-Friedy factory and product training with a new product coming to you all soon!
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by practicing hygienist, international Speaker and creator of Thrive in the Op TM, Amber Auger, RDH. Amber talks to us about how to move the long term prophy patient into treatment for periodontal disease.
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by practicing hygienist, international Speaker and creator of Thrive in the Op TM, Amber Auger, RDH. On this TIPisode Amber talks to us about executive dysfunction in honor of Mental Health Month.
On this special bonus episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists, brought to you in part by Crest Oral B we are joined by the fabulous return guest Amber Auger, RDH. Amber talks to us about the latest technologies from Crest Oral B, and how this new technology makes a world of difference in patient compliance. Amber shares the success she has seen first hand in a study she conducted!